Subtle Energy Technology
The field of subtle energy technology is occupied by many products with dubious claims and pseudo-scientific rationales. Additionally there are many possessed of unjustified fears that their subtle energy technology will be “stolen by the government.” Here again, SJL’s approach is complete different. We embraced the chance to explain our subtle energy technology to the patent office. Not only was it not stolen, but USPTO graciously extended the term by over 500 days to apologize for their excessive time to process it!
U.S. Patent Application No. 12/628,628
Title: Circuit for Analyzing and Affecting Subtle Energy Resonance
Filed: December 1, 2009
The present application issues as U.S. patent number 8,362,766 on January 29, 2013. To compensate for internal delays, the Patent Office grants a Patent Term Adjustment {extension} of 554 days.
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