1981.02 www.spies.com/~jet:
Pro-One Synthesizer Operation Manual (CM100A)
1981.03 Field Bulletin #1
1981.04 Field Bulletin #2
1981.04 Prophet-5 Synthesizer Operation Manual, Darter and Jungleib (CM100OC-1: Rev 3, S/N 1301 up.
1981.05 San Jose State IEEE on “Hybrid Music Synthesizers”
This was the first time I spoke on synthesis in public. And as it went pretty well, helped seal my fate.
1981.05 Pro-One Synthesizer Operation Manual (CM100B)
1981.05 System Interface User’s Guide, (CN1000-1)
1981.05 Cassette Interface Instructions (CN1000-2)
1981.05 Field Bulletin #3
1981.07 Field Bulletin #4
1981.08.27 “Manuals – both operational and technical – are excellent and still improving. Completely trustworthy – rarely does anything fall through the cracks.” – Chet Wood, SCI Engineering Supervisor
1981.09 Field Bulletin #5
1981.10 Prophet-5 Synthesizer Technical Manual (TM1000D.2)
1981.10 Using Scale Mode (CN1000-3)
1981.10 Field Bulletin #6
1981.10.09 – 1981.10.19 Acting Engineering Supervisor
1981.11 “A Digital Interface for The Pro-One” Polyphony p.33 7/3