
Graduate Fellow, University of Rochester

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1976.09 – 1977.02.19 Ph. D. Program Graduate Fellow, Department of Philosophy UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER

Instruction of undergraduates. Lecturing, discussion, grading. Taught Introduction to philosophy and History of Modern. Focus: Metaphysics, and Aesthetics. Plato, Husserl, A- avg.
Scholarship; Teachers: Richard Taylor, Lewis White Beck, Stephen Pink, Colin M. Turbayne
EFJ Pane (Secretary, British Schopenhauer Society)

Coffee House Attendant

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-1976.06 Coffee House Attendant, Stevenson College, Santa Cruz.

Apprentice Philosophy Teacher, U.C.S.C

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through- 1976.06 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ Stevenson College Post-BA Apprentice Teacher

With my advisor’s encouragement, exploiting a little-used mechanism to stay, designed and taught two accredited philosophy (metaphysics) courses under minimal supervision. Kant, Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein, and Eastern philophy were discussed in light of theories of philosophical reticence.

B.A. Philosophy (HH) U.C. Santa Cruz

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1975 UC diploma

Honors in Major; Honors on Thesis

“Stanley Jungleib’s Senior Thesis was a comprehensive, intelligent and in_depth analysis of Schopenhauer’s philosophy and the general principles it relies upon. The very size of this work was truly impressive: far more than a customary senior thesis.The paper reveals an extraordinary familiarity of the author with the primary and secondary sources. Equally impressive is Stanley’s ability to sustain an intense analysis and criticism of Schopenhauer’s central ideas. The thesis was granted Honors without hesitation.”

From Stanley Young to Stanley Jungleib

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1974.08 Changed named From Stanley Young to Stanley Jungleib

Heritage movement. At this time I was heading toward Rabbanical school as the natural extension of my philosphical studies. Thank God I became an agnostic instead. I would not have passed the scholarship, and I would have made a terrible rabbi.

Actually I quit after for the final time hearing at Friday Service all the gossiping amongst the women during the rabbi’s sermon. It was beyond caricature.

Philosophy at U.C. Santa Cruz

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1973.09 -1975.03 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ Stevenson College Undergraduate Philosophy major (Junior transfer)
through graduation 197503.
Metaphysics, Language, Religion, Aesthetics

Apprentice Organ Builder

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Ross King Fort Worth Texas

More than ironic how this grounding in pipe organs gave me a great basis for understanding synthesizers later on.

I had word-working in my genes (from my dad’s furniture factory), electronics in my hands, and golden ears—a lucky find for Ross despite my resentment of sanding and finishing. I enjoyed the live-and-let-live attitude of the admittedly more enlightened college towns we predominantly serviced. And Highland Park-which probably had the best instrument I saw. And which was crafted by Ross’s own mentor Otto Hoffman.

Ross was surprised that after another apprentice left on Friday, on Monday there were relatively no tools left in Otto’s shop. Not theft; everything on glorious display was the failed apprentice’s. Among the lessons inherited: get your methods down to a minimum of regular tools. Specialty instruments rarely pay off; only if they support significant production. If they invite dependency, breakage becomes intangibly costly through disruption.

One day I had filed and sanded a new pipe rank perfectly—so that each pipe could easily slide out but not wiggle. I went to lunch and brought Ross back to survey my proud work; probably half the pipes would not budge from the humidity-reactive ply. He could only laugh and reconsider his design tradeoff for this imminent delivery. With no time to age the wood, we re-drilled everything and used felt, trebling the cost.

Driving under ionic green sky; listening to a minute’s worth of plastic rain debris from a lightning strike on the neighboring franchise. After a summer of facing the challenges of Texas humidity on wood, and of its temperature upon tuning, I gave it up in favor of starting Philosophy as a Junior at UCSC in September.

Academic Fairness Committee

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appointed by Student Body President Dennis King, whose campaign I had worked for.
through -1973.06 San Jose State University

Researched alleged unfairness as part of a student-faculty team, recommended decision to full committee, and voted on other recommendations.

Taking our mandate seriously, I was forced by the evidence to often vote against the unsupportable claims of students. Equally revealing, when a professor had fallen short, he received no special sympathy from his peers at the table. We came to no decision (of around 100) that I did not support. This was definitely a level up: degrees and reputations were sometimes at risk. A relatively minor process, but exemplary of disparate viewpoints working together exceedingly well.

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